International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 30 Issue 7/8

Table of contents

From policy to practice: engaging and embedding the third mission in contemporary universities

Jen Nelles, Tim Vorley

Over the past 20 years public policy has sought to promote and formalise the socio‐economic role of universities under the auspices of the so called “third mission”. The purpose…


Fair‐weather friends: why compacts fail non‐government organisations

Gemma Edgar, Frances Lockie

The purpose of this paper is to focus on compacts and their effectiveness in ensuring that non‐government organisations (NGOs) are able to remain independent, critical checks on…


The risks of being a lone mother on income support in Canada and the USA

Amber Gazso, Susan A. McDaniel

This paper aims to explore how neo‐liberalism shapes income support policy and lone mothers' experiences in Canada and the USA.


Barriers to outsourcing domestic chores in dual‐earner households

Jan Windebank

The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons women living in dual‐earner households give for not outsourcing domestic chores so as to understand better the barriers to the…


Inclusive working life and value conflict in Norway

Liv Johanne Solheim

This paper aims to offer an analysis of the conflicting values behind Norway's much celebrated inclusive working life (IWL) programme, which aims to reduce sickness absenteeism…


Ethnic niches and immigrants' integration

Nonna Kushnirovich

The purpose of this study is to investigate how ethnic niches of immigrants affected their integration. Immigrants' integration in the host society is described by the integration…


Generalising Darwinism to study socio‐cultural change

Dermot Breslin

The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the use of the evolutionary approach, and in particular the generalisation of Darwinian principles beyond biology to study…


A review of the educational and support infrastructure for family business in the UK

Denise Fletcher

This paper aims to review the educational and support infrastructure for UK family firms in order to further raise the profile/challenges and support needs of family firms in the…

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  • Prof Colin Williams