International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 28 Issue 1/2

Table of contents - Special Issue: Collecting collaboration: understanding collaboration through stories

Guest Editors: Dr Nick Ellis, Dr Paul Hibbert

Collecting collaboration: understanding collaboration through stories

Nick Ellis, Paul Hibbert

The purpose of this editorial is to provide an overview of content and process of development of the five papers collected in this special issue on collaboration and storying.


Telling stories and the practice of collaboration

Lucia Garcia‐Lorenzo, Sevasti‐Melissa Nolas, Gerard de Zeeuw

Stories and the telling of stories constitute a major part of our daily life, yet how this happens is not clearly understood. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the ways in…


A democratic story: collaboration in the use of public budget

Evandro Bocatto, Eloisa Perez de Toledo

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how the notion of “storying collaboration” can benefit democratic participation, collaboration among different social actors, and local…


Discursive tensions in collaboration: stories of the marketplace

Nick Ellis

If stories can create promising practices, what does talk of “collaboration” mean in the context of what would appear to be market‐based inter‐firm relationships (IFRs)? How do…


Competing interests: the challenge to collaboration in the public sector

Louise Young, Sara Denize

Managers working within organizations that are part of public–private collaborations comment on their “diabolical” nature and seek guidance as to their administration. Set in an…


Characters in stories of collaboration

Paul Hibbert, Peter McInnes, Chris Huxham, Nic Beech

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which narratives of collaborations tagged as successful may be constructed around common characterizations of participants, in…

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  • Prof Colin Williams