Table of contents
Moving beyond the controversy: remembering the many contributions of Laud Humphreys to sociology and the study of sexuality
Steven P. SchachtIntroduces the reader to Laud Humphreys and his contribution to sociology and the study of sexuality, in the view of Steven Schact, Professor of Sociology at Plattsburgh State…
Laud Humphreys and research ethics
Earl BabbieLaud Humphreys’ Tea Room Trade has been a regular topic in discussions of social research ethics for thirty years. This article reviews some of the past criticisms and offers a…
Controversies surrounding Laud Humphreys’ tearoom trade: an unsettling example of politics and power in methodological critiques
Michael LenzaArgues that Humphrey’s tearoom trade study, misinforms readers as much as it informs, regarding moral and ethical foundations for research with human subjects. States that…
The intellectual legacy of Laud Humphreys: his impact on research and thinking about men’s public sexual encounters
Richard TewksburyHighlights Laud Humphreys as one of those thinkers and researchers who, having spawned a succession of scholars, is seldom recognized for such. Posits that Humphreys has also…
Commuting to homosexuality: Laud Humphreys’ unheralded theoretical contribution to the sociology of identity
Wayne H. BrekhusAdumbrates that Laud Humphrey’s studies have shaped the debate on sociological methods, they have also distracted from emphasizing his potential contributions to sociological…
Beyond the interaction membrane: Laud Humphreys’ tearoom tradeoff
John HollisterInvestigates “cruising” (how homosexual men move around to various meeting sites), and how men keep this from intruding into their “normal” lives. Highlights how Laud Humphreys…
On lies, secrets, and right‐wing sexual politics: reflections on Laud Humphreys’ “breastplate of righteousness”
Janice M. IrvineCharts the unfortunate events surrounding the 1974 wedding of a couple who later, on their honeymoon, discovered that they had both had sexual relations with the minister. Billy…
A very personal professional experience with the social power of the breastplate of righteousness
Steven P. SchachtGives the author’s own variations of his work on a similar vein but quite different in its own way to Laud Humphreys. Revisits Humphrey’s ideas on the “breastplate of…
Humphreys vs. Sagarin in the study of gay social movements
Stephen O. MurrayLooks at social movements, including gay ones, and Laud Humphrey’s work in this field. Mentions the homophile movement and its effect on the plight of homosexuals in America…
A multicultural feminist analysis of Laud Humphreys’ Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places
Carlton W. ParksThe focus of this article is a comparative analysis of the values inherent in multicultural feminism, and their consistency with the field of sociology of sexualities using Laud…
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- Prof Colin Williams