International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 19 Issue 3/4


Table of contents

Libertarianism is pro‐life: an introduction

Bruce Earnheart

Introduces libertarianism as a political philosophy, outlining a few implications stating that freedom brings responsibilities. Argues that abortion is the ultimate aggression as…


Being pro‐life is necessary to defend liberty

Ron Paul

States that to remain consistent, abortion can not be justified as all individuals have certain inalienable rights, including the right to life. Argues that abortion creates…


How I became pro‐life: remarks on abortion, parental obligations and the draft

Doris Gordon

Outlines the authors’ influences whilst forming a pro‐life view. States that the parent’s duty to care for their child begins at conception and is a form of involuntary servitude…

When do human beings begin? scientific myths and scientific facts

Dianne N. Irving

Outlines some basic human embryological facts and considers several myths such as “the immediate product of fertilization is just a potential human being”. Gives medical facts to…


Abortion and the question of the person

John Walker

Argues that the basic case for abortion is based upon the assumption that the foetus is not a person. Discusses the concept of a person and the potential for and actualization of…


Power and act: notes towards engaging in a discussion of one of the underlying questions in the abortion debate

John Walker

Compares the opposing schools of thought regarding prenatal personhood and how this state should be defined. Looks at definitions based on a person’s potential and a person’s…

Why parental obligation?

John Walker

Outlines two kind of rights, universal and specific, and the dependency of a child. Covers the responsibility not to harm and looks at choice for all parties involved in abortion…

Abortion in the case of pregnancy due to rape

John Walker

Outlines the situation of rape and considers the further violation of liberty against the woman, but argues that the obligation to the child still exists whilst within her body…


What do abortion choicers mean when they tell us: lets get the government out of our lives?

Doris Gordon

Questions whether the government can play a neutral role in the abortion debate and what this means practically. Suggests the argument is only used if it supports the view of the…

Foetal rights: enforceable in principle

Edwin Vieira

Responds to the arguments proposed by Dr. Tibor R. Machan in “Foetal rights: the implication of a supposed ought”. Refutes the claims that the libertarian pro‐life position…

Abortion and Thompson’s violinist: unplugging a bad analogy

Doris Gordon

Refutes the suggestion that the mother has the right to remove herself as the life support system from an unborn child. Cites responsibilities in creating the child and argues the…

Abortion and rights: applying the Libertarian principles correctly

Doris Gordon

Outlines the Libertarian framework of rights and obligations in abortion. Argues that abortion is homicide based upon the scientific and philosophic evidence available and…

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  • Prof Colin Williams