Industrial Robot: Volume 12 Issue 4
The international journal of robotics research and applicationTable of contents
System builder finds the safe way to success
How automatic welding assembly lines evolved from safe manufacturing. This is the story of STADCO, the UK automation systems builder, as related by Brian Rooks.
Transforming blades the Rolls‐Royce way
Martin AtkeyThe new automated blade manufacturing line at Rolls‐Royce has reduced machining costs and improved production efficiency.
Welding's octogenarian claims top spot
The claimed number one welding company ESAB started life repairing ship boilers at the beginning of the century. Now it is building systems around the world.
ASEA extends its robot range
Another robot has just been introduced by ASEA. The IRb 9000S is primarily aimed at spot welding.
The expert‘hand’ of the robot sculptor
Close‐up focus on how robots and computers help designers at Renault
Robot at the centre of automation
An automated machining cell installed at Flight Refuelling in the UK was described at the recent FMS‐4 conference in Stockholm
Robotics investment trims lead time
Heavy investments in robotics and automation have recently been made at Volvo's Truck Division in Umeå, Sweden. Anna Kochan reports.
Robotics simulation in practice
Alan HaffendenUsing Computer Aided Robot Simulation in the development of a robotised production line.
Hi‐tech investment maintains competitive edge
Against a background of falling demand for tractors Massey‐Ferguson is making a substantial investment in its Coventry factory.
Lasers lead technology advances at Essen
The Essen Welding Fair reflected many new developments over a wide range of advanced manufacturing technology. John Mortimer reports.
Growth rate slows, but newcomers joins the race
Japan puts the emphasis on assembly, while growth is not what it used to be. John Hartley reports.

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1973Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Dimitrios Chrysostomou