Industrial Robot: Volume 13 Issue 4


The international journal of robotics research and application

Table of contents

Lamberton plays pioneering role in heavyweight robotics

Lamberton Robotics has set its sights at the heavy end of the robot application spectrum. But, as Brian Rooks reports, robots are not its only product line.

Robotic precision is a comforting solution

A new £1 million process plant at Cheri Foam uses two ASEA robots to ensure product consistency in chemical injection moulding. John Mortimer reports.

Robots are a success but still offer a challenge to the UK

A report from the London Policy Studies institute shows that robots have been good for British industry. But more needs to be done by users, suppliers and government if the…

Triple‐barrelled success for handling robot at Tennent

No industry is ‘safe’ from the robot invasion. Brian Rooks reports on one of the first successful applications in the brewing industry at Tennent Caledonian in Edinburgh, Scotland.

More robots at Tallent — then a move to CIM

Tallent Engineering has 16 robots but plans another six. It then prepares to move into computer‐aided manufacture. But human skills will be important. John Mortimer reports.

‘The cleanest robots in the world’

Automating the plants of semi‐conductor manufacturers and other ‘super‐clean’ environments seems an obvious market for robots, but it is a complicated one full of pitfalls and…

Big future is forecast for small robots

Anna Kochan summarises a new survey of the market for small robots and manipulators in Western Europe published by Frost & Sullivan.

Matching automation needs with a new generation controller

A. Camera

New trends in flexible automation require new characteristics for robot controllers, the new generation of which are supporting the integration of robots into automated…

Trallfa adopts flexible approach towards automated coating

Dag Kjosavik, Bjorn M. Apeland

Flexibility and integration are features of the new Trallfa automotive coating system known as TRACS.

ISIR's robotic applications come under review

More than 100 papers from 19 countries were given at the 16th ISIR (International Symposium on Industrial Robots) held in Brussels in late September. The Industrial Robot reviews…

A ticket to see the world of robotics

In the last seven years eight young engineers have benefited from the BRA Travel Award. Most have been from academic backgrounds. Now the BRA wants to encourage more…

Assembly show highlights manufacturers' problems

Improvements in performance and packaging from many companies are evident as Matsushita starts to sell its direct drive robot. John Hartley reports from Tokyo's Automation Show.

Cover of Industrial Robot







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  • Dr Dimitrios Chrysostomou