Industrial Robot: Volume 12 Issue 3


The international journal of robotics research and application

Table of contents

Turning those ‘ivory towers’ into profits

Established to exploit research from Imperial College, London, RD Projects has a robot and a CNC controller ready for exploitation. Brian Rooks reports.

Robot assembly gives flexibility in computer manufacture

Flexible assembly techniques were essential for ICL in the manufacture of PCBs for its new mainframe computer. But many technical problems had to be overcome, as Brian Rooks…

Large fabrications can be welded by robot

Large welding robots are now appearing in European industry as a result of the agreement between NEI Thompson and Komatsu. Brian Rooks went to see one at NEI's factory near…

Robots paint the parts that others cannot reach

A £750,000 paint plant has gone on stream at the Bisley plant of UK office furniture manufacturer, F. C. Brown. Brian Rooks went to see how robots are incorporated into the plant.

The rising star of US robot education

From the phoenix of the US steel industry has risen one of the country's leading robotic institutes. In research and teaching Lehigh University is having an impact on robot…

Practical fettling robot from Meidensha

Force feedback system to allow for variations in the amount of metal to be removed. John Hartley reports.

Strategies for sensor utilisation in assembly

The function of a planning algorithm for sensor systems in assembly is presented.

Trimming production costs with robot welding

Turner International (Engineering) Ltd comes a step closer to establishing an FMS with its introduction of robotic welding.

ASEA makes its mark in Japan

With sales of 350 robots in two and a half years, ASEA is taking business from the Japanese at the top end of the market. John Hartley reports.

Cover of Industrial Robot







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  • Dr Dimitrios Chrysostomou