Leadership & Organization Development Journal: Volume 13 Issue 2


Table of contents

Organizational Culture: The Key to Effective Leadership and Organizational Development

Andrew Brown

Argues that organizations should be thought of as cultures ratherthan machines, and that managing is as much a social as a technicalprocess. Suggests that effective leadership…


The Impact of Leaders: Who They Are and What They Do

Ian Cunningham

Focuses on strategic leadership. Summarizes research on chiefexecutives and others over a five‐year period, which aimed to use theanalysis of language patterns as one way of…

Creativity and Older Adults

H.A. Shearring

In times of rapid change, organizations need employees who combinecreativity with wide knowledge and experience. But many organizationsbase their personnel policies on the myth…

Have We Misread the Psychology of Innovation? A Case Study from Two NHS Hospitals

Juergen Sauer, Neil Anderson

Describes a research project using a qualitative researchmethodology investigating innovation processes in two NHS hospitals.Employs a multi‐perspective approach to examine the…

Riding the Whirlwind into the Twenty‐first Century

Peter Benton, Bruce Lloyd

Argues, using extensive historical evidence, for the need to managethe turbulent forces of organizational change to benefit from theseapparently unpredictable events, rather than…

Coping with Entrepreneurial Stress: A Nigerian Case Study

Adebowale Akande

Clarifies the confusions and inconsistencies in managing your ownbusiness which is not an easy task, involving facing endless events ofemotional peaks and valleys. Based on…

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  • Dr Stefanie Johnson