International Journal of Manpower: Volume 45 Issue 6
An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economicsTable of contents
Unraveling unemployment hysteresis in Nordic countries: a multifaceted analysis of age, gender and frequency differentials
Veli Yılancı, Mustafa Kırca, Şeri̇f Canbay, Muhlis Selman SağlamThis study aims to test the unemployment hysteresis hypothesis for Nordic countries by considering age and gender differentials at various frequencies.
Commuting while Black: compensating differentials and Black–White wage gap in Canada
Maryam DilmaghaniUsing the Canadian Census of 2016, the present study examines the Black and White gap in compensating differentials for their commute to work.
Well-being of migrant workers in Taiwan during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of perceived organisational support, employee resilience and ethical leadership
Loan Ngoc Tuong Pham, Duong Tuan Nguyen, An Hoang Kim Vo, Lam Dang NguyenThe purpose of this paper is to investigate how perceived organisational support (POS) enhances the well-being of migrant workers in Taiwan by strengthening their resilience. In…
Does access to assistive technologies enhance labour force participation amongst the disabled population? Evidence from India
Subramania Raju Rajasulochana, Mohd Imran KhanPersons with disabilities (PwD) are generally less likely to be employed than the general population. The paper aims to investigate whether access to assistive technologies (AT…
Having your career path decided too early: the effects of high school track on education-occupation mismatch
Alina Botezat, Cristian Incaltarau, Sabina Ana Diac, Alexandra Claudia GrosuThis paper aims to extend the scope of previous studies on education-occupation mismatch to explicitly focus on the role high school track choices have on the risk of being…
Is labour force participation independent of unemployment? A panel analysis for high-income countries
Walter Paternesi MeloniWe test the pertinence of the unemployment invariance hypothesis (UIH) for a set of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.
Social contacts, neighborhoods and individual unemployment risk
Ambra PoggiThe aim of this paper is to empirically investigate whether social contacts can mediate the way in which current unemployment impacts future unemployment.
The impact of COVID-19 on women’s labour market outcomes: evidence from four MENA countries
Vladimir Hlasny, Reham Rizk, Nada RostomCOVID-19 has had various effects on women’s labour supply worldwide. This study investigates how women’s labour market outcomes in the MENA region have been affected by the…
The curvilinear relationship between moral identity and unethical pro-organizational behavior: moderating role of organizational identification
Vivek Mishra, Varun Sharma, Nishant UppalThis study proposes that the relationship between the employee's moral identity and unethical behavior might sometimes differ from linearly negative, given certain contextual…
Labour mobility, short-time work and working from home: establishments' behaviour during the COVID-19 crisis
Lisa Bellmann, Lutz Bellmann, Olaf HüblerWe enquire whether short-time work (STW) avoids firings as intended by policymakers and is associated with unintended side effects by subsidising some establishments and locking…
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- Professor Adrian Ziderman