International Journal of Manpower: Volume 42 Issue 2


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents - Special Issue: Self-employment: Antecedents, experiences, and consequences in a rapidly changing world of work

Guest Editors: Marleen Damman, Monika Von Bonsdorff

Social support and life satisfaction among entrepreneurs: a latent growth curve modelling approach

Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani, Thierry Volery

Social support has been identified as a valuable resource that could help entrepreneurs maintain goal directness in their endeavours and increase their life satisfaction. However…

Work–family conflict, sleep, and health: A comparison of traditional and self-employed workers

Erica L. Bettac, Tahira M. Probst

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the experiences of work–family conflict (WFC) and health- and sleep-related outcomes differ among traditionally employed and two forms…

Understanding early-stage firm performance: the explanatory role of individual and firm level factors

Pi-Shen Seet, Noel Lindsay, Fredric Kropp

This study presents and validates a theoretical model linking individual characteristics of the founding or lead innovative entrepreneur of a start-up venture – the entrepreneur's…


Explaining differences in retirement timing preferences between the solo self-employed and employees

Dieuwke Zwier, Marleen Damman, Swenne G. Van den Heuvel

Previous research has shown that self-employed workers are more likely than employees to retire late or to be uncertain about retirement timing. However, little is known about the…


What is the employment potential of a lean platform? The case of Dutch self-employed service professionals

Paul Jonker-Hoffrén

The purpose of this article is to study what platform-related user factors influence the employment potential of a lean platform for self-employed professionals.


False self-employment: the role of occupations

Lian Kösters, Wendy Smits

This paper analyses the relation between occupational characteristics and the probability that a worker in the Netherlands has a false self-employed arrangement instead of an…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman