International Journal of Manpower: Volume 35 Issue 1/2


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents - Special Issue: Culture and labour

Guest Editors: Dr. Annie Tubadji, Professor Joachim Moeller and Professor Peter Nijkamp

Introduction to cultural research approaches: applications to culture and labour analysis

Annie Tubadji, Joachim Moeller, Peter Nijkamp

The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief introduction to the topic of cultural research approaches that are applicable for investigating the interdependence of culture and…


Altruism to strangers for our own sake: domestic effects from immigration : A comparative analysis for EU15

Annie Tubadji, Peter Nijkamp

Theoretical and empirical research on the impact of immigrants for local development is rather inconclusive regarding the direction of said impact. The purpose of this paper is to…

Smart endogenous growth: cultural capital and the creative use of skills

Alberto Bucci, Pier Luigi Sacco, Giovanna Segre

Despite the growing literature aimed at explaining how cultural and artistic production feeds economic growth, the causal relationships and interplays are not investigated in…


Was Weber right? The cultural capital root of socio-economic growth examined in five European countries

Annie Tubadji

The existing theoretical and empirical research on cultural impact is rather inconsistent. The purpose of this paper is to deal with the reasons for this inconsistency by debating…

Development elasticity of religious assets: a Turkish experience

Sacit Hadi Akdede

The aim of this paper is to investigate the development elasticities of religious assets namely, the relationship between the stock of religious assets (religious buildings like…

A study on undocumented migrant workers in the Dutch household sector

Masood Gheasi, Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld

Migration waves have a significant impact on cultural diversity. But in various sections of the economy the authors observe large numbers of unregistered workers. The purpose of…

The social status of migrants in Turkey

Ayla Ogus Binatli, Sacit Hadi Akdede

– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social status of migrants in a culturally liberal and historically cosmopolitan port city in Turkey.

Culture at work: how culture affects workplace behaviors

Martin A. Leroch

The purpose of this paper is to give structure to the argument that “culture matters.” Further, the aim is to show how cultural differences shape the use of incentives within…


Willingness to work and religious beliefs in Europe

Maria J. Perez-Villadoniga, Juan Prieto-Rodriguez, Javier Suarez-Pandiello

The purpose of this paper is to analyse to what extent religious beliefs, understood as part of an individual ' s cultural background, can explain an individual ' s…

Effects of cultural diversity on individual establishments

Stephan Brunow, Uwe Blien

International immigration affects the degree of cultural diversity present in a labour force. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the consequences of immigration with respect…


The influence of role models on immigrant self-employment: a spatial analysis for Switzerland

Giuliano Guerra, Roberto Patuelli

Theoretical and empirical research suggests a connection between the presence of role models and the emergence of entrepreneurs. Existing entrepreneurs may act as role models for…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman