International Journal of Manpower: Volume 31 Issue 8
An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economicsTable of contents
Knowledge management and innovativeness: The role of organizational climate and structure
Chung‐Jen Chen, Jing‐Wen Huang, Yung‐Chang HsiaoThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of organizational climate and structure on knowledge management and firm innovativeness from the social capital and social…
An exploratory research on the factors stimulating corporate entrepreneurship in the Greek public sector
Leonidas A. Zampetakis, Vassilis S. MoustakisPractice demonstrates and research validates that entrepreneurship is moving from the individual to the organization and from the private sector to the social and not‐for‐profit…
Offshoring of white‐collar jobs in the United States and gendered outcomes
Ebru Kongar, Mark PriceSince the mid‐1990s, offshore production has become increasingly important in white‐collar, service sector activities in the US economy. This development coincided with a stagnant…
Escaping low pay: do male labour market entrants stand a chance?
Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Didier FouargeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent and the human‐capital determinants of low‐wage mobility for labour market entrants in the UK and Germany.
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Adrian Ziderman