International Journal of Manpower: Volume 15 Issue 2/3


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents - Special Issue: Low Pay and Minimum Wages

Guest Editors: Stephen Bazen, Gilbert Benhayoun

Minimum Wages – Again!

Richard B. Freeman

Looks at the role of the minimum in wage setting and how it differsamong countries and over time. Discusses the differing attributes ofminimum wages and their pluses and minuses.


Minimum Wages and Employment: A Theoretical Framework with an Application to the UK Wages Councils

Richard Dickens, Stephen Machin, Alan Manning

Presents a theoretical approach to analysing the effects of minimumwages on employment which is intended to conform more with thefunctioning of actual labour markets than do other…


Minimum Wages and Low Pay: An ILO Perspective

Zafar Shaheed

Briefly identifies the different Conventions and Recommendations of theInternational Labour Organization pertaining to national wage policymatters. Introduces some of the issues…


Minimum Wage Protection in Industrialized Countries: Recent Experience and Issues for the Future

Stephen Bazen

Minimum wage fixing came to be increasingly questioned during the 1980sowing to high unemployment and the rise of liberal economic thinking.This led many countries to dilute…


The Unemployment Effects of Minimum Wages

Gary S. Fields

Analyses the effect of a minimum wage on unemployment. Using a modelwith covered and non‐covered sectors, comparative static analysis isperformed with respect to the elasticity of…


The Impact of Minimum Wages on Youth Employment in France Revisited: A Note on the Robustness of the Relationship

Gilbert Benhayoun

Recent studies of the French experience find a small, negative impact ofthe minimum wage on young persons′ employment, a finding which has ledto a political debate over the role…


The Impact of Minimum Wages on Industrial Wages and Employment in Greece

Vasiliki Koutsogeorgopoulou

Examines the employment effects of minimum wage regulation on Greekmanufacturing for the period 1962‐87. The empirical analysis is carriedout in three steps. First, estimates the…


Youth Minimum Wage Rates: The Dutch Experience

Arthur van Soest

Legal minimum wage rates for young workers were introduced in TheNetherlands in 1974. After substantial increases during the 1970s,youth minimum wages were lowered in the 1980s…


The Effects of the Minimum Wage in Czechoslovakia: Simulation of a Macroeconometric Model

Eric Girardin, Velayoudom Marimoutou

The effects of the minimum wage on employment in Western economies arerelatively uncontroversial. The introduction of a minimum wage inCzechoslovakia at the start of the…


The Economics of Low Pay in Britain: A Logistic Regression Approach

P.J. Sloane, I. Theodossiou

Examines the extent of low pay in Britain, first by estimating a Lorenzcurve and, second, by using a logistic regression approach. Low pay isdefined in terms of the first three…


Wage Dispersion and Unionism: Do Unions Protect Low Pay?

Carlo Dell′Aringa, Claudio Lucifora

Existing research concerning the impact of unions on relative wagesprovides evidence for the existence of significant union/non‐union wagedifferentials. However, union practices…


Earnings Transitions of the Low‐paid in Britain, 1976‐91: A Longitudinal Study

Mary Gregory, Peter Elias

Using a large panel of employees from the New Earnings Survey, examinesthe subsequent earnings transitions of those who were in the lowestquintile of the earnings distribution in…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman