Management Research News: Volume 7 Issue 1
Table of contents
RIF and Productivity Increase?
Mark R. Edwards, J. Ruth SproullTraditional Reduction In Force (RIF) methods have been unpopular, damaging to morale, dysfunctional, probably too expensive and, in some cases, indefensible. The article describes…
The Quality of Working Life, Robotics and the Professional Engineer
Frank KirkmanThe discussion on quality of working life begins with job design. This is clearly a field where engineers must be involved: to design the workplace according to the best ergonomic…
The Max Bell Business‐Government Studies Programme at York University
James GillesManaging the interface between the corporation and government has become one of the most rapidly growing management areas. The examination, evaluation and teaching of this aspect…
The Management of Microprocessor Technology in the Engineering Industry
Peter SenkerThree important problems face managers in coming to terms with the advent of microprocessors. Microprocessors offer radical new possibilities for designing products and systems…
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis — IFMICE
David AndrewsIFMICE (Identification of Failure Mode, Inhibition of Cause and Effect) is useful for the evaluation of policy proposals as well as of engineering designs. Its application to…