Management Research News: Volume 15 Issue 7
Table of contents
The State of Management Science Research in Multistage Production Systems
R.P. MohantyProduction is defined as the mission of creating wealth (economic goods and services) from a variety of resources (human and non‐ human) by adding values (intrinsic and extrinsic…
Field Research: A Foundation for Developing New Theories in Management Accounting
James C. Flagg, Mark W. Hale, Hubert D. GloverThe above quote, which recently appeared in the Management Accounting newsletter, characterises the state of affairs for the profession. Presently, academic research and…
Employers and Social Responsibility: The New Mandate to Expand Educational Benefits to Dependents
Laurence BartonSweeping changes in the attitude of senior managers at leading corporations towards the educational needs of employee children are evident. In just the past two years, hundreds of…
What are Chinese Enterprise Groups and Why Should Western Corporate Executives be Familiar with Them?
William G. PerryMore than 1.2 billion people live in what we Americans typically refer to as “Mainland China”. Without question, China is the world's largest surviving socialist state.