Management Research News: Volume 11 Issue 1/2
Table of contents
The Management of Change in Employee Relations
Roger UndyResearch into the processes managers use to initiate change in the workplace, and an examination of their related training needs. An Analysis of Strike Activity in Post‐War…
An Analysis of Strike Activity In Post‐War Britain
Jonathan WintertonAn outline of research into temporal and industrial patterns of post‐war strike activity in Britain.
The Internal Regulation of Trade Unions
John Gennard, Kenneth Miller, Mairi SteeleResearch into the internal workings of trade unions, including management and administration, rules and rule changes, and the extent to which administrative procedures conflict…
Industrial Relations in the British Clearing Banks
Peter CresseyThe bargaining structure in the Clearing Banks has changed from being highly centralised, to individual company bargaining with considerable divergence in remuneration, staff…
The Labour Market in Professional Football
R.J. SutherlandA look at how the professional footballer's salary has been affected by regulations governing contracts between the club and the player.
Technical Change Non‐Manual Unions and Management Industrial Relations Strategies
Anthony E. SmithResearch into how management and non‐manual unions at workplace level met the challenges posed by the economic recession and technical change.
The Development and Impact of Profit‐Sharing in Britain
L Baddon, L.C. Hunter, J. Hyman, J.W. Leopold, H. RamsayGovernment initiatives for involving employees in company affairs have turned towards attempting to forge deeper‐rooted links between employers and employees than those provided…
Studies in the Causes and Consequences of the Changing Composition of British Management
Peter ArmstrongThere are a number of peculiarities of British management — for example the preponderance of accountants, the comparative absence of technical expertise and the idea that…
Employee Relations, Trade Unions and Attitudes to Work in Swindon
Sarah Fielder, Michael RoseThe research being undertaken in Swindon, discussed here, is part of a much larger project on “Social Change and Economic Life” in six localities in England and Scotland, by…
Spanish Trade Unions and Their Role in the Economy
R.I. HawkesworthResearch into the role of labour in the transition to democracy, the emergence of free trade unions, the development of a new industrial relations framework and the participation…
The Regulation of Pay and Conditions of Public Servants in W. Germany
Peter SeglowThe research identifies five major reasons which explain how West German public service workers have maintained their position in the pay league.
Occupational Perceptions and Trade Union Association
Michael J. RileyThe research takes as its starting point the possibility of prejudice between workers which would, even in the absence of competition, prevent them associating as their interests…
Corporate and Industrial Relations Strategies and Improvements in Labour Utilisation The Case of Scott Lithgow 1967–87
James KellyThe research examines the impact of corporate and industrial relations strategies on company performance as measured by changes in labour utilisation, based on a study of Scott…
Trade Union Membership Retention
Paul LewisBy 1980 unemployment was an important social, economic and political issue. Also by 1980, trade unions were experiencing membership losses for the first time in half a century.
Engineers in the UK and Abroad
Ian A. Glover, Michael P. KellyResearch into different British and Western European engineering traditions, and how these have influenced the formation of engineers in North America, Japan and elsewhere since…
The History of Industrial Training Policy and the Limits of Corporatism in Britain
Sarah Vickerstaff, John SheldrakeThe research traces the development of industrial training in industry and changes in the state's role from 1900 to the early 1980s.
Employee Involvement in Practice
Mick Marchington, Philip ParkerResearch into joint consultation in the last 15 years.
Employment Practices in Privatised Firms in Britain
John BerridgeResearch into manpower policies and practices developed by management in newly‐privatised industries.
Engineering Maintenance Organisation Performance An Assessment of the Evidence from over 200 sites
Michael CrossAn assessment of the first six years of a ten‐year research programme of the costs and benefits derived from making organisational and job content changes in engineering…
Wage Structure and Low Pay in the Republic of Ireland
Gerard V. McMahonAn assessment of wage structure stability, the incidence and extent of low pay and the impact of the selective statutory minimum wage fixing system on that structure.
Ethnic Pay Differentials
M. PiraniAn examination of the adverse occupational distribution of blacks as a function of direct and indirect discrimination.
Compulsory Ballots in Trades Unions
Richard BlackwellTwo studies of compulsory ballots in trades unions are discussed.
New Technology and Trade Unions in Manufacturing Industry
Paul Rathkey, Calvin AllenThe research was commissioned by a major manufacturing union concerned about the level of involvement of its members in workplace introductions of new technology and is intended…
The Management of Strategic and Operational Change
Richard WhippThe research sees the nature of management as a critical aspect of competitiveness. It outlines an approach to strategic change and competitiveness which highlights both the…
Developments in the Management of Human Resources
John StoreyThe research seeks to examine the absorption process of “human resource” initiatives into organisations which have well‐developed industrial relations practices and procedures.
Employee Participation in a Japanese Owned U.K. Manufacturing Plant. Reality or Symbolism?
Philip LewisA case study to establish the reasons why management at a South Wales electronics company introduced employee participation at the plant upon the advent of Japanese ownership.
Trade Union Membership in Spain
Jack EatonSpain has the highest unemployment rate in Western Europe, 21 per cent. The research focuses on whether trade unionism has a future in Spain (the figure is currently between 15…
Accidents to Young People on the Youth Training Schemes
A.I. GlendonThe research covers the period April 1983 to March 1986 and looks at 5,002 cases of injury (including fatalities) amongst YOP and YTS participants.
State, Capital and Labour Changing Patterns of Power and Dependence
Gill UrsellAn empirical and theoretical investigation into the factors responsible for the changes in the fortunes of British Labour in relation to State and capital.
New Patterns of Industrial Relations Practice in West Midlands Companies
John Black, Peter AckersThe advent of a worldwide economic recession has weakened union power and put pressure on management to increase efficiency or “die”. The emergence of Thatcherism has reinforced…
Profit Sharing and Share Ownership Schemes in Britain
Michael PooleResearch findings from a major survey of British practice.
The Resolution of Interest Disputes by Final Offer Arbitration
Jeff NewallResearch into the results of, and indeed necessity for, the resolution of disputes by Final Offer Arbitration, mostly in the US.
Stress and Trade Union Activism
D. MillerWhy are the trade unions disinterested in stress? Research into this, and the stress‐related factors of trade union activity.
Youth Training and the Surrogate Labour Market: A Case Study
D.J. Lee, D. Marsden, P. RickmanHow can national requirements and standards of the Youth Training Scheme be met when the relevant decisions are effectively decentralised and delegated to firms and organisations?
Human Resource Policies and the Introduction of Information Technology
N.K. Kinnie, A.J. ArthursResearch into the issues faced by managers who introduce IT into their organisations: how does technological change affect human resources policies? What human resources issues…
Careers, Occupational Identity, and Industrial Change
Richard K. BrownA paper drawn on research in the shipbuilding industry and on a number of projects concerned with attitudes to employment and the changing nature of labour markets and of patterns…
Strike Activity in the U.K.
David SapsfordThe research project discussed sets out to clarify the behavioural mechanisms involved in the strike process by the construction of a model which does some justice to the…
Teacher Militancy
Roger V. SeifertTeachers as employees have exhibited two important characteristics: a high level of union membership and regular collective bargaining with their employers.
Comparative Third Party Involvement in West Germany and Britain
Eric Owen SmithResearch into the degree to which third parties became involved in collective bargaining and trade disputes in the two countries, the methods and processes by which they are…
Flexible Manning Within a Local Labour Market
P.J. SloaneThe objective of the research was to determine the reasons for and the extent to which organisations had adopted flexible manning arrangements, and to assess likely trends.
The Effectiveness of ECSC Aid for Redundant Coat and Steel Workers
Barry ThomasThe study examines the practices and efficacy of the EC's finance of Readaptation Aid paid to redundant coal and steelworkers.
Reaching Policy Makers
Hilde BehrendThe author was asked to present an autobiographical account of how her enquiries in the labour productivity and inflation areas reached policy makers.
Careers Open to Talent? Family Background and Pay in America and Britain
W.S. SiebertThe study is concerned with contrasting and explaining the influence of family background on pay in America and Britain. A particular concern of the study is whether Britain is…
The Local Trade Union Organisation of White‐Collar Workers
Michael P. Kelly, Graeme MartinA series of projects is reported which focus on various aspects of white‐collar trade unionism, and which had to confront the theoretical limitations of some of the conventional…
Managing the Adoption of New Technology
David A. PreeceThe research project is centred on examining how new technology comes to be used in certain ways and for certain purposes, by focusing on the pre‐installation stages.
The Management of Industrial Relations in Recession
Christine EdwardsThe research presents an analysis of the impact of recession on industrial relations in a public sector company.
The Effects of Incomes Policy on a Model of Wage Bargaining
R.F. Elliott, P.D. MurphyThe research conducts an investigation into incomes policy and non‐compliance and suggests that there is considerable evidence to support an economic model of non‐compliance.
The State as Employer: Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector
Sandra Fredman, Gillian MorrisThe research aims to highlight the differences between State and non‐State employees, and to establish an analytic framework of discussion, looking at the different types of legal…
Industrial Relations Advisory Services in a Changing Market
L.C. Hunter, Mairi SteeleIndustry's need for external advisory assistance in the management/industrial relations area will be determined by the nature of the problems currently faced or anticipated. These…
Procedures of Third‐Party Intervention — the Australian System
K.J. MackieResearch into third‐party intervention in Australian industrial relations.
Rural Industrial Relations: a Case Study
Ian BroughA case study of industrial relations in the Borders Region of South East Scotland.
Industrial Relations in Service Industries with particular reference to the Hotel and Catering Industry
R.A. EbsworthThe hotel and catering industry employs well over a million people in the UK and is expanding its labour force whilst the manufacturing industry, although recovering lost output…
Labour markets and manufacturing management strategies
H.A. Grubb‐lngram, R. MassonThe objective of the research is to investigate and explain differences in the manufacturing performance of comparable firms in terms of the manner in which their manufacturing…