Reference Services Review: Volume 52 Issue 1

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents - Special Issue: Inclusive Pedagogies and Services

Guest Editors: Kawanna Bright, Mónica Colón-Aguirre

Trauma-informed librarianship: an exploratory literature review of trauma-informed approaches in school, academic and public libraries

Stephanie D. Founds

The goal of this review is to conduct an exploratory literature review on trauma-informed approaches in libraries to understand how librarians are discussing trauma-informed…


Revealing the archive, reckoning with the past: inclusive approaches to institutional history

Melanie Maksin, Debra J. Bucher

In describing these projects, the authors hope to encourage academic librarians and archivists to participate in, and even facilitate, similar work at their own institutions…

Drama Queens: applying dramaturgy as an inclusive pedagogy within the one shot

Sarah E. Brown, Kari D. Weaver

To illuminate the experience of working with students using the innovative pedagogical approach of dramaturgy, this pedagogy can more effectively address systemic bias within…

Library staff's understanding of attitudinal barriers experienced by individuals with disabilities in libraries

Lisa Ferrara

The purpose of this study was to investigate how library staff understand disability and attitudinal barriers and how they use their knowledge of attitudinal barriers when…

Listening to diverse voices: inclusive pedagogy and culturally responsive teaching for library interactions

Aditi Gupta, Ying Liu, Tsung-Cheng Lin, Qichen Zhong, Tad Suzuki

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the findings from focus group interviews conducted with librarians and library staff, faculty and students. It highlights the…

An explicit approach to liminality as an inclusive approach to librarian support for graduate student researchers

Xan Y. Goodman, Samantha Ann Godbey

The purpose of this paper is to provide readers with a deeper theoretical understanding of liminality, its utility in understanding the experiences of graduate student researchers…

Small axe: chipping away at special collections barriers to inclusivity

Jasmine C. Sykes-Kunk, Azalea Camacho, Sandy Enriquez

The purpose of this article is to share this study’s efforts to foster belonging in special collections public service spaces, as Black and Latina practitioners of color, while…

Dismantling structural and individual cisgenderism in Illinois libraries: a descriptive research study on cisnormativity, transprejudice and biases against transgender and nonbinary populations

Cristalan Ness

Recent library and information science literature suggests transgender and nonbinary populations are not treated, served and represented on an equal or equitable basis as…

Centering justice/decentering whiteness: the case for abolition in information literacy pedagogical praxis

Teresa Helena Moreno

The purpose of this paper is to make visible the field's propensity to center whiteness even in engaging inclusive practices in information literacy classrooms. This paper offers…

Decentering whiteness in libraries: relational work for an inclusive culture

Jessica Denke, Nicholas Cunningham

The purpose of this article is to share a year-long initiative of a predominantly white liberal arts college library that fostered relationality and inclusive culture through an…

Fostering UDL-informed library instruction practices developed from the COVID-19 pandemic

Niki Fullmer, Katie Strand

This case study explores how universal design for learning (UDL)-informed online instruction modules developed during COVID-19 can better support student information literacy…

Implementing universal design for learning in the library and across campus to promote more inclusive pedagogy

Breanne A. Kirsch

The purpose of this case study is to determine the effectiveness of the UDL academy in terms of the number of UDL techniques used by faculty after participating in the academy and…

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