Reference Services Review: Volume 34 Issue 3

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

Web researchers wanted

Eleanor Mitchell, Sarah Barbara Watstein

The purpose of this article is to raise awareness of current and quite possibly emerging trends in the marketplace with the potential to affect reference service, those who…

If we change it – will they come?

Gary E. Strong

The purpose of this article is to raise issues about how libraries interact with users in the twenty‐first century, and design and deliver services that make a difference, using…


Instruction via chat reference: does co‐browse help?

Stephanie J. Graves, Christina M. Desai

The purpose of this research is to determine whether instruction would be welcomed by instant messaging (IM)/chat users, whether instruction is possible in this medium, whether it…


Research guides as library instruction tools

Bradley Brazzeal

The purpose of this study is to examine how guidelines for information literacy and library instruction can be incorporated into online research guides and provide examples from…


A blended method for integrating information literacy instruction into English composition classes

Leslie Sult, Vicki Mills

During Spring semester 2005, budgetary constraints, personnel reductions, and questions of efficacy challenged librarians at the University of Arizona to develop more integrated…


From failure to success: working with under‐prepared transfer students

Roberta L. Tipton, Patricia Bender

To present a successful collaboration between an instruction librarian and the director of a campus‐writing center for the benefit of some under prepared transfer students in an…


Ill‐structured problems and the reference consultation: The librarian's role in developing student expertise

Anne M. Fields

To apply the concept of ill‐structured problems and learner expertise to the reference consultation.


From the Taiga Forum 2006 …: OUR Future Scenarios: RSR readers respond

The purpose of this article is to present a series of reflections on future scenarios distributed to Taiga Forum participants in March 2006.

Cover of Reference Services Review







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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein