Reference Services Review: Volume 19 Issue 2

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

AIDS: A personal journay, 1986–1991

Richard Carper

I have been a liar, a thief, and a scoundrel. For fifteen years, my life revolved around heroin and amphetamines. Today, I am a person with AIDS (PWA). I am not gay, nor am I an…

HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): An update bibliography

Susan C. Cooper, Susan E. Hillyard

The winter 1987 issue of Reference Services Review featured a bibliography of AIDS‐related materials prepared by Edmund SantaVicca, former head of Collection Management Services…

AIDS Information in periodical indexes: A problem of exclusion

Polly Thistlethwaite

Indexing companies and database search services are contributing to the epidemic of ignorance surrounding HIV and AIDS. They are failing us, even killing us. Doctors, patients…

Starting up your own HIV/AIDS collection: A case study

Sue Cowen, R. Wright Rix

“While the majority of reported AIDS cases continues to be among white gay and bisexual men, the epidemic has forcefully spread to new populations. Between 1986 and 1989, reported…

Selected CDC HIV/AIDS information resources

Brenda W. Garza

June 1981 marked the beginning of an indepth investigation by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of clusterings of two rare disorders, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and…

AIDS Information in the United States, Sweden, and the Netherlands: A look at programs, services, and attitudes, with suggestions for new directions

W. Bernard Lukenbill

We all know that the AIDS threat to society is alarming. It is not only a serious health problem but it has become a problem of education and information as well. By the end of…

AIDS: Update For Ethical & Legal Issues: Selective bibliography of citations from the national reference center for bioethics literature

Pat Milmoe McCarrick

In April 1988, the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature (NRC) (see sidebar) published “AIDS: Law, Ethics and Public Policy.” As part of the NRC's Scope Note Series…

AIDS data: Locating statistics, tables, graphs, and figures

Sarah Barbara Watstein, Robert Anthony Laurich

Reference questions calling for accurate and current data on the HIV infection and AIDS are frequent in any library. Our ability as librarians to answer these and related…

AIDS Educational comics

Leonard Rifas

Cartooning is an industry, a subculture, and a field. Educational cartooning is none of these. It is a flexible, popular art that is constantly being reinvented by diverse people…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein