Reference Services Review: Volume 17 Issue 3

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

American Social Attitudes and Popular Culture of the 1950s: A Selected Annotated Bibliography

Joan Beam

Recently, American social behavior during the 1980s has been compared, both favorably and unfavorably, with the attitudes and culture of the United States during the years…

Motion Pictures: An Update Survey of Reference Sources, 1982–1988

Eleanor S. Block

The emphasis of this survey is on motion picture reference material that has been published since 1982. This update does not, for the most part, include titles covered in a prior…

American Folklore: A Guide to Reference Sources

Jo Kibbee

Libraries have long played an important role in the preservation, appreciation, and perpetuation of American traditions. As early as 1928, the Archive of American Folk‐Song was…

United States Philately: A Core Collection

R. Scott Harnsberger

In 1840 Great Britain became the first government to issue an adhesive stamp for the prepayment of postal fees. The United States issued its first stamps in 1847 and by the…

The Oxford English Dictionary: A Brief History

Ronald H. Fritze

The Oxford English Dictionary (hereafter referred to as the OED) is one of the most well‐known and respected reference works in the world. Its imposing bulk has even led some…

Animal Rights: Selected Resources and Suggestions for Further Study

Donald J. Davidoff

Animal rights is a growing social justice movement opposed to all forms of animal exploitation and abuse. Animal rights is not animal welfare. It is not pet therapy, wildlife…

A Fresh Look at the Index to Current Urban Documents and the Urban Documents Microfiche Collection

Ronald J. Heckart

Need information on programs for homeless persons? On policies and costs for treating persons with AIDS? On groundwater contamination? Waterfront development? Rent control? How…

The Human Relations Area Files

David Levinson

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the incorporation of the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) as a private, nonprofit educational institution. HRAF was founded and…


Reference Advisory Systems (RAS): Some Practical Issues

Robert Carande

A reference advisory system (RAS) is a public access expert system that provides reference suggestions based on user information needs. It is designed to run without the presence…

Project Jefferson and the Development of Research Skills

Anne Lynch

Project Jefferson, a cooperative effort between the University of Southern California University Library, the Freshman Writing Program, and the School of Industrial and Systems…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein