Reference Services Review: Volume 11 Issue 4

Reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age


Table of contents

The Literary Elite: Titles for the Making of the Reference Librarian in Literature

Edwin S. Gleaves

The question being asked is: “If you were stranded on a desert island and had to create a reference/information service with only ten sources, which ten would you choose?”…

Passion, Joy, and Love: A Second Path to Publication

Robert K. Baker

There are at least two ways to get published. The first and probably more commonplace is to work diligently on a project, and then seek an interested and willing publisher. Most…

The Mental Measurements Yearbooks: Progress‐to‐Date, Problems, and Plans for the Future

James V. Mitchell

The Program Committee of the National Council on Measurement in Education requested that the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements present a special session at the NCME meeting…

Online Public Access Catalogs: Two Studies

Hugo Chapa‐Guzman, Marcella Stark, Cochrane

In September, 1982, a graduate seminar was held for the first time at Syracuse University on Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs). The focus was on aspects of OPAC design, the…

Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature and Magazine Index: A Comparison

Mary Ellen Kyger Davis, John F. Riddick

Since 1901 the public has relied on H.W. Wilson's Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature to locate articles of general interest related to its information needs. For nearly…

State of the Art Sources: Visual Arts Encyclopedias

Alex Ross

The recent announcement that Macmillan (London) is planning to publish an art counterpart to its New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians creates an excuse to consider what is…

Reference Sources On Film

Eleanor S. Block

Publishers are producing new reference sources on film at an astonishing rate. Each week reviews and advertisements appear to announce yet another book. Books vary in scope…

Who Was That Masked Librarian?

Ellen P. Conrad

The LC Science Tracer Bullet, one of the most underused reference sources in many government documents collections, provides access to a wealth of information on subjects from…

What's an Ubik? Science Fiction Reference Sources

Kurt O. Baumgartner

Science fiction is that demonic creature lurking in the depths of every human subconscious waiting for the chance to emerge and destroy, with ecstasy, mankind's literary taste. It…

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  • Ms Sarah Barbara Watstein