Personnel Review: Volume 12 Issue 3

A Journal of People, Work, and Organisations


Table of contents

How Relevant is Leadership Research to the Study of Managerial Effectiveness? A Discussion and a Suggested Framework for Skills Training

Beverly M. Alban‐Metcalfe

At a recent conference sponsored by the Center for Creative Leadership, the following remark was overheard, “I was away from leadership for 15 years, and when I returned, I felt…

Management Style and Achievement: A Model Synthesis

Rick Roskin

The area of leadership, management style and decision‐making research contains ideas which have proved to be both controversial and useful. Many of the equivocal results are due…

Board and Sequential Interviews in Selection: An Experimental Study of their Comparative Effectiveness

Rowan Bayne, Clive Fletcher, John Colwell

Despite strong attacks on its use—such as that of Eysenck—and the consistent conclusions of the literature reviews that its reliability and validity is unsatisfactory, the…


Self Assessment, Realistic Job Previews and Occupational Decisions

P.J. Makin, I.T. Robertson

Most recent reviews of the value of self assessments in industrial and organisational settings conclude that there is little to recommend their use. Major criticisms concern the…

Information, Participation and Pensions: Strategy‐ and Employee‐Related Issues

Tom Schuller, Jeff Hyman

For most people, pensions as an issue has been mainly associated with retired people as a separate and deserving category of the population, intermittently attended to by…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Eddy Ng
  • Professor Pauline Stanton