Work Study: Volume 52 Issue 5
Table of contents
Optimal trust and teamwork: from groupthink to teamthink
Ferda ErdemSuggests that there is an optimal level of trust in many team situations. Too much trust can impact negatively on performance. Uses empirical research involving 142 members of 28…
A study of the effect of perceived lecture quality on post‐lecture intentions
K. Devinder, Biplab DattaSuggests that, as a service industry, education must pay attention to the quality of its “products” and its relationships with its “customers”. Investigates students’ perceptions…
An integrated approach to improving the adhesive bond strength of honeycomb composite joints
A.J. Thomas, J. AntonyAdhesive bonded composite joints are traditionally difficult to model using finite element (FE) techniques. The approach to modelling these joints requires the use of powerful FE…
A simulation of a workflow management system
Andrew GreasleySuggests that simulation of the workflow component of a computer supported co‐operative work (CSCW) system has the potential to reduce the costs of system implementation, while at…