Work Study: Volume 49 Issue 2
Table of contents
Setting stretch targets for driving continuous improvement in construction: analysis of Brazilian and UK practices
Aguinaldo Santos, James Andrew Powell, Carlos Torres FormosoAn effective way to promote a continuous flow of ideas for improvement in production systems is to challenge people with “stretch targets”. This should generate a creative tension…
Using e‐commerce to deliver high productivity
Michael FisherE‐commerce is either a major opportunity or a significant business threat. The cost of entry is low in terms of capital costs but high in terms of effort and opportunity cost. It…
Performance measurement
Charles ParkerIdentifies the reasons for performance measurement and the failings of many “traditional” measurement systems that rely principally on financial indicators. Describes the factors…
Customer value management
Shirley DanielsCustomer value management (CVM) is an enhanced form of customer satisfaction measurement – one that recognises the fact that the price paid for goods and services is a key…