Work Study: Volume 48 Issue 1
Table of contents
Reengineering the lending procedure for small businesses: a case study
Ashok Kumar, Jaideep MotwaniLending to small businesses has not been perceived to be profitable for banks. This paper demonstrates, by means of a case study, how a Midwest bank in the USA took a proactive…
Tolerance requirement general theory: pilot study results analysis
David R. MooreThe paper concentrates on the analysis of data from the first of two experiments designed to examine aspects of tolerance requirement general theory. Both experiments were…
Creating a knowledge culture
Eric BanksIn a world of rapid and continuing change it is imperative that organisations maximise their return on all assets. One of the least‐exploited assets is the knowledge that resides…
Reinforcement of core values: a case study at a medium sized electronics manufacturing plant
Judith A. Johnson, Dianne H.B. WelshNon‐financial rewards are often under‐utilised as motivators. Case study illustrates the links between culture and reward systems and shows that the introduction of non‐financial…