Work Study: Volume 44 Issue 2
Table of contents
How to motivate problem employees
Desmond Daly, Brian H. KleinerThe first step in dealing with a problem employee for a supervisor isto ask the question “Is there really a problem employee or doesthe problem lie with me?” Examples of this can…
Preparing the public workforce for the twenty‐first century: the challenge
Arie HalachmiThe twenty‐first century is knocking on our doors, but do we know howto greet it? We know it is there waiting for us to let it in, but whatare we likely to face when we open our…
Productivity growth: some propositions
R.P. MohantyIn this article, my intention is to stimulate some discussion on theneed for an integrated industrial and economic development policy viewedin the overall perspectives of…
Managing change
John MuirThere is a school of thought in so far as machinery is concerned thatif it is working well then leave it alone. Do not stop it and take it topieces to see what is going wrong or…
Can there be life without donkeys
E. Arthur JenningsAn old story tells that a farmer of mean repute once tried to trainhis donkey to live without eating. The early stages of the project werequite successful and the animal was able…
The disorganized organization
Shirley DanielsThe current structures of large organizations exist because of aparticular history. The basic organizational model is a military one– because, for most of history, the only really…
Only five years to go
Anna BainesDo you remember the demographic time bomb? A few years ago it wasrecognized that past birth patterns and current employment patternscould result in a mismatch of jobs and…
Bonus for VAT inspectors – a case study
Edwin WildeIt may not be widely known but Israel grew up on work study. In 1950,two years after its foundation, specialists from the United Nations andILO together with a South African firm…