Work Study: Volume 43 Issue 5
Table of contents
Dust, Sweep and Clean – A Case History
Edwin WildeDusting, sweeping and cleaning is an every day household chore. Husbandsand wives, single people as well, all know the time and effort it takesto complete the job properly. But…
Linda C. Wong, Brian H. KleinerNepotism in management is an extremely sensitive and touchy issue inAmerican business. It has implications not only for managementdevelopment, promotion, and control, and not only…
Dealing with Sickness Absence
John MuirAbsences planned in advance do not necessarily cause the employer undueproblems with regard to organization of work. Perhaps work sharing canbe instituted or if the period of…
MTM Core Data Validation
Alan Brown“Core data” has now been in successful use for some 15 years in the UKand some other countries and is the basis from which a large number ofstandard data systems have been…
John LynchThe subject of videoconferencing is raised periodically within manyorganizations – especially those with a geographically‐spreadorganization (head office and a number of divisions…
The Creative Use of Microcomputer Software
Anna BainesThe microcomputer has been with us for just ten years. (Incidentally, Iprefer the term microcomputer to personal computer because personalcomputer becomes confused with the…