Work Study: Volume 42 Issue 7

Table of contents

New approaches to managing performance appraisals

Robert Tinkham, Brian H Kleiner

Suggests that performance appraisals can be a motivating factor foremployees; careful implementation performance appraisal techniques willassure desired company goals are…


Computer staff incentives – a case study

Edwin Wilde

Describes the design and implementation of an incentive scheme fortwo different groups of computer operators in a large Middle Easternelectricity and distribution company…


Local area networking

Mike Clemmet

Investigates some complex issues concerning local area networking(LAN). Examines the two basic forms of network – peer‐to‐peer andserver‐based and their advantages and…


Comparing Chinese and American manufacturing

Gyula Vastag, D. Clay Whybark

Asks whether China will be able to sustain its current rate ofeconomic growth and compete in the North American market, by comparingmanufacturing practices in China and North…


See me, see you

E. Arthur Jennings

Briefly examines training courses. Identifies problems and suggestways that courses can be run more effectively. Asks that lecturers andorganisers take a closer look at their own…


The employee’s equation

Y.S. Jawandhiya

Introduces the concept of the “the employee′s equation”as a device for helping managers to think about what they are doing interms of the effects it may have on employees and…




Online date, start – end:

1952 – 2003

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited