Work Study: Volume 42 Issue 1
Table of contents
Autonomous work groups
Anna BainesAddresses the issue of introducing a system of group working intoorganizations. Examines the areas where changes are necessary tofacilitate group working. Argues that changes…
Productivity management: a soft systems approach
R.P. MohantyDescribes some of the subjective aspects of productivitymanagement. Examines the philosophy of productivity with respect to theorganization. Argues that productivity management…
Customer care programs
Shirley DanielsDescribes the customer care movement as a movement parallel to thatof quality management. Shows that the best customer‐related programmesgo further than a simple concentration on…
Factor analysis
Ken GregsonAsks how to judge between competing work study projects in orderthat efforts are wisely and profitably directed. Shows that factoranalysis can be a useful technique to determine…
Looking after the pennies: efficiency and the small solicitor′s firm
Helga Drummond, Elizabeth ChellLocates the roots of inefficiency in small solicitors′ firms as thelack of effective office management and administrative infrastructure.Argues that solicitors can transform their…
New developments in service operations management
Mary A. Tinkham, Brian H. KleinerDiscusses the reasons why service quality is difficult to control,methods to increase the control of services by improving the servicesystem, and ways in which top managers can…
Back to the future: innovation through re‐engineering and process technology
Robert JansonArgues that US companies will have to consider re‐engineering andprocess technology to remain competitive. Outlines the rationale behindre‐engineering in the current business…