Work Study: Volume 40 Issue 5
Table of contents
How to Increase Organisational Innovation
J. Campbell, B.H. KleinerDiscusses the reasons why companies innovate, and the methodsemployed to innovate successfully. Considers the factors whichdiscourage innovation, the right people, rewards…
Productivity: The Mindef Experience
J. ManDiscusses the management philosophy and productivity principlesutilized by Singapore′s ministry of defence in the light of thatcountry′s limited resources and reliance on people…
work Study/O&M in Service Industries
T.L. SalmonExamines the results of a questionnaire survey undertaken toinvestigate the use of work measurement and O&M techniques in banksand building societies. Discusses the methodology of…
Safety and Quality Go Together
T. KingConsiders the importance of a commitment to zero accidents inquality companies, with particular reference to Health and Safetyimplementation in Dairy Crest warehouses. Examines…