Work Study: Volume 39 Issue 6
Table of contents
Quality – A Belief and Awareness
Terry KingDiscusses the introduction of the Crosby quality system into DairyCrest. Examines the 12 quality steps of the systems with reference tostaff training and reactions, information…
Computer Work Measurement Systems
Matt HallConsiders the frequently expressed objections to work measurementand the evolution of four main categories of data, determined by themethods applied to create the data. Examines…
Work Group Organisation
Barrie DanielsConsiders the micro‐level structure of organizations, particularlythe design of structures for sub‐units and individual jobs. Examines theproblem at the following levels: the…
Disintegration – The Slow Birth of a Fad
John RamsayConsiders the phenomenon of contracting out non‐essential servicesas a process of “disintegration”, in contrast to the fashionfor integration and growth in the 1960s. Argues that…
Solid State Time Recording
Mike PhillipsDiscusses one particular solution to the problem of recordingemployees′ time in commercial organizations, a low‐price Britishelectronic recorder – Timelink 2000. Examines the…