Table of contents
Flexibility, learning and risk: work, training and early careers in England and Germany
Karen Evans, Walter HeinzThe transitions of early adulthood and early careers are becomingincreasingly disorderly and less predictable than in the past. Thesechanges can be seen as manifestations of the…
Healthy signs for mentoring
Bob GarveyThe final part in a series of three articles, discusses anevaluation of the Northern and Yorkshire region of the health servicesmentor scheme, linked to Durham MBA. Reports on the…
Workplace learning: its potential and limitations
Stephen BillettThe workplace is now commonly used as a setting for acquiringvocational knowledge. This situated approach to learning offers accessto authentic vocational activities and the…
Projecting a career: industry and education working together in Bexley
Sue ChurchillExamines the effectiveness of a one‐day education/businessinitiative set up in 1994 in South London under the auspices of theSouth London Training & Enterprise Council, and Bexley…
Business ethics: too little, too late
Bruce MacfarlaneDescribes the marginal accommodation of courses in business ethicswithin the business studies first degree curriculum. Focusingprincipally on the role of law and economics, argues…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Martin McCracken