Education + Training: Volume 32 Issue 4


Table of contents

The Modern Languages in Industry Project: Putting Languages to Work for TVEI

Lesley Dunning

A project is described which involved liaising withcompanies to research current use and future needsof foreign languages. Twenty‐four schoolsparticipated. A materials development…

What Happened to the History of Education? The British Attitude to Business Education

John Black

The author′s study of the history of educationleads him to the conclusion that currenteducational policy is taking the same road asVictorian policy. Then, as now, there was…

Work Shadowing: Towards the Development of a Model

John P. Cuthell

In March 1990, the North East Leeds TVEIConsortium funded a pilot project to assess theviability of a scheme to deliver work awareness topupils through Work Shadowing. The…

Compacts: The Emerging Issues

Alison Fuller

Data collected from a preliminary evaluation of theCompacts Initiative are assessed. Interviews wereconducted with a range of people involved in thescheme in five case study…

The Vocational Route to Higher Education

Graham Fowler

Plans to increase the number of students enteringhigher education are welcomed; although it isargued that student loans do not fit in with thispolicy, and that in reality higher…

Companies and employees call for more training

Lack of training in general and falling education levels in school leavers have been highlighted in a recent KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock survey on skills shortages. The survey…

The Visually Handicapped: Education and Training for Visually Handicapped Students

Terence Gould

Three examples are given of the work of QueenAlexandra College for the Blind in Birmingham. ACommercial Studies course which helps visuallyhandicapped students to cope in a…

Innovative European Scholarships for British School Leavers

Rodney Swailes

In 1989, British subsidiary Hoechst UK introducedfive scholarship awards to school leavers, to attendthe two‐year vocational training course at HoechstAG in Germany. A brief…

Cover of Education + Training







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  • Dr Martin McCracken