Education + Training: Volume 22 Issue 7


Table of contents

Viewpoint: Careering around calls for continuing impetus

Arising from their study of 8,000 careers, industrial psychologists Dr. Richard A. Hoffman and Dr. Michael Driver identify four major career patterns:

Going down

Gerry Fowler

A lower proportion of 16‐19 year olds attend post‐compulsory education in the United Kingdom than in any other Western developed country, except the Republic of Ireland and…


In the last three years British firms have considerably increased their recruitment of executives from outside the company, but have found that virtually all methods have major…


Bob Finch

The boys and girls who left school this summer with good ‘A’‐level passes in Maths, Physics and Chemistry are a particularly interesting group on whom much attention will be…

Promise of the eighties

Leslie Tolley

At this time the economic news, not only of this country but of the whole world, is uniformly bad; and you might well think that anyone who talks of the promise of the eighties is…

The fresh produce industry

This article is based on information provided at a careers seminar held at the House of Commons at the invitation of John Wells MP, and organised by the National Institute of…

Careers:: COURSES

Postgraduate student grants are to be increased from September as follows:

Careers:: TOPICS

In September 1979 the City & Guilds of London Institute published, as an Occasional Paper, its evidence to the Committee of Inquiry on Teaching of Mathematics in Schools. The…

Careers:: TRAINING

In a world dominated by change and uncertainty, the emphasis in education and training is likely to shift towards helping people to identify and pursue their learning needs, said…

DES News Releases

Rhodes Boyson, Neil Macfarlane

The greatest deprivations are permanent ill‐health, illiteracy and innumeracy, not the ones regularly mouthed by the trendy lobbies of our age. The Government is determined to do…


Tom Coffin

I have been receiving recently quite a number of enquiries from members regarding the Advanced Diploma, examinations for which will be held for the first time in June 1981. Our…

Performance feedback

Lyndon Jones

Feedback is information about past behaviour or knowledge of results presented to the individual who has performed. A system of feedback about job performance is central to…

Nobody owes us a living

Adam Butler

Management today is both an art and a science, and, also a highly professional business. The only prescription for a successful Britain, as with a successful company, is for…

How to make succession successful

Bill Walsh

The diagram illustrates the formal management staff tree of an Australian State public utility, slightly varied to pre‐serve anonymity. Some five years ago, while preparing its…

Computers in accounting education

Douglas Garbutt

It is possible to define accounting as the art and science of designing, installing and operating procedures for collect‐ing and reporting information, mainly financial, on the…

Audio‐visual engineering training

Eric Markland

I have been a University teacher of Engineering for thirty years, and I cannot recall any previous time when more interest was being shown in the whole business of technical…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken