Education + Training: Volume 22 Issue 1


Table of contents

Viewpoint: Invisible exports become invisible imports

Whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad. This remains as true to‐day as when the expression was first coined by Euripides circa 400 BC. And it certainly applies in…

Punishment — its abuse and use

Lyndon Jones

In order to achieve the objectives of an organisation, it may be necessary to decrease the frequency of undesirable behaviour by employees. For example some meetings may be…

No place for Miss Luddite

Eleanor Macdonald

Take a letter, Miss Smith. Will anyone be saying that ten years from now? five years from now? In the office, things are changing at a tremendous pace. Secretaries and bosses are…

Metaphor and reality

Gerry Fowler

The latest odd metaphor to enter educational jargon is that of Capping the Pool. It refers to the proposal of the Government in its present Education Bill to control the amount…

Industrial relations in the next decade

James Prior

Of course, we do not enter the 1980s with a clean slate. We start with a long established pattern in our industrial relations. We need to understand this first, before we can…

DES News Releases

Baroness Young, Minister of State, Department of Education & Science, stressed the importance to industry of technological teaching in schools when she opened the second…

Careers:: TRAINING

Craft training in hotels and catering A valuable contribution to the debate on the relevance of further education courses to the industry is made by the publication of two reports…

Careers:: COURSES

The Old in the Community is an innovative and flexible course about the elderly. Drawing at every point on the student's own experience, it challenges stereotyped attitudes to old…


The call has gone out for young writers to send in their poems and stories to the 1980 Children's Literary Competitions, the annual event sponsored by W. H. Smith. Leaflets are…


Correspondence is still being sent to the Oxford Street address. This is no longer in use; and although we have arranged for letters to be forwarded, delays inevitably occur. Our…


Ruth Holdsworth

A major complaint by those offering carrers guidance to adults is the lack of suitable carrer literature. Compromising adults obviously can make considerable use of literature…

Mathematical testing and apprenticeship recruitment

A. Roberts

Mathematical tests are ubiquitous in apprentice selection, and employers are invariably critical of the results. A 50 per cent failure rate once considered calamitous is now…

The main constituents in managerial development

M.O. Ajuogu

This article intends to discuss the age‐long misunderstanding about the interpretation of education and training in the process of human development, with special reference to…

British Standards in education and training

P.S. Sanson

Everyone knows that question And what do you do?, so useful in a casual meeting after other topics have proved unpromising. In my case, when I say that I work at the British…

Cover of Education + Training







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  • Dr Martin McCracken