Education + Training: Volume 18 Issue 3


Table of contents

Open learning: an exciting opportunity

Richmond Postgate

This article comes after a two‐year study of Open Learning in various countries of the world, and of the attempts being made to extend educational opportunities by means other…

The pattern of national awards in business studies to come

Janet Elliott

Significant shifts of emphasis in the provision of the national system of awards in business studies are forecast by recent decisions of the Business Education Council, resulting…

Routes for Part‐time Study: Student Wastage and Comparative Costs

Lyndon Jones, A. Wylie

Those wishing to study but unable to attend a full‐time, sandwich, or block release course have a number of options open to them. They may study on a part‐time day release course…

Inter‐college comparisons : a tool for increasing efficiency

Lyndon Jones, Derek Adam‐Smith

Last December, commenting on the CLEA proposals for regional machinery in England beyond school level, the Committee of Directors of Polytechnics said:

The fire service

R.T.B Lamb

The fireman's first duty is to save life, his second to preserve property by fighting fires, his third to render humanitarian services.

Hairdressing (Part 2)

Simon Beresford

There are two approved and recognised methods of entry to professional hairdressing. The first of these is the apprenticeship. This method has been in existence for many years…

Learning economics

L.B. Curzon

The object of this article is the setting out of some of the major problems which may confront the student who is taking his first steps into the realms of economic theory…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken