Table of contents
General studies at a technological university
K.M. MacdonaldGeneral Studies are not normally an integral part of a degree course at British Universities although they are present in some, especially at the former CATs. Such courses…
Japan—land of the economic miracle
Lyndon JonesUntil the recent oil crisis the Japanese economy was continuing to boom at an unprecedented rate, and there was plenty of tangible evidence that a high and prolonged rate of…
Rubber and plastics
In terms of a possible career, both the rubber and plastics industries offer a wide range of opportunitites for boys and girls with varied qualifications. Rubber and plastics…
Industrial relations—a European perspective
R.O. ClarkeBoth the challenges afforded by membership of the Common Market, and the fact that British industrial relations have for several years now been something of a problem area, make…
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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Martin McCracken