Education + Training: Volume 15 Issue 6


Table of contents

News: Kent further education colleges to be blacklisted?

The blacklisting of all FE colleges in Kent may be used as a weapon against the local education authority which is attempting to reduce staff at two art colleges in the county.

Programme for development

Alison Dunn

Salaries and conditions of service more than usually dominated the 64th annual conference of the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions at Manchester last month…


An additional qualification in a spectrum of qualifications available throughout continuing education,’ is the diploma of higher education as envisaged by the study group set up…

Who needs books?

Peter Mann

‘The true university’, said Carlyle, ‘is a collection of books’. His concept remains unchallenged — universities are more closely involved in the use of books than almost any…

It's a man's life.…

Barry Turner

Can it really be ten years since the last national serviceman handed in his billy can? That means (quick calculation on fingers) that it is almost seventeen years since I was…

Snippets: ATTI — Manchester hotspot

This year's conference must surely go down in ATTI annals as the hottest ever. Not that it was tempers inflamed — the radical left did their militant duty and little else. But…

Sale of honours

Lyndon Jones

In 1880, John Norris, a crusading Philadelphia editor, exposed some of the earliest debasers of American higher education, by buying a set of bogus degrees in medicine, law, and…

Careers Section: Computers in Guidance

Tony Watts of the Research and Development Unit at CRAC describes the problems — human and technical — of computer systems in careers education programmes. P 218.

Careers:: TOPICS

David Guest

Few people today would dispute the need for vocational guidance. Yet it has generally received a relatively low priority in governmental, administrative and educational circles…

Careers:: RESEARCH

Tony Watts

Guidance is an immensely labour‐intensive, and therefore expensive, process. As our concept of what this process needs to involve becomes more sophisticated, the sheer logistics…

Careers:: TRENDS

Geoffrey Ford

Most traditional industries pass through a phase when massive re‐organisation is necessary for survival, and during that period have difficulty attracting either sufficient staff…


The art — and science — of selection is nowhere better demonstrated than in the giant international companies who cream off the best of graduate talent. Unilever has been…

Careers:: TRAINING

Terry Collins

The careers service covers such a range of activities, each brushing against those of so many other agencies, that it would be hard to find any two officers following the same job…

Careers:: AGENCIES

David Fraser

As early as 1959 the Crowther Report pinpointed the last year of compulsory education as the heaviest year for juvenile delinquency. It is therefore, a curious paradox, that…

On the move

Jack Mansell

The Haslegrave Committee was set up in 1967, it reported in 1969 and TEC was set up in 1973. Many of the points put to and emitted from Haslegrave will therefore inevitably…

Opinion: People's Poly

Maureen O'Connor

Institutions, like Topsy, tend to just grow. And the more hectic the pace of growth the more unlikely it is that anyone within them will find the time to sit back and take stock…


A new venture in the education of non‐vocational day release students, which for some time has been regarded as a particularly difficult group is being tried at City College of…


Tony Crocker, Anna Sproule

Kodak has rationalised their range of the well‐known and popular Carousel 35mm slide projectors. The Carousel S and Carousel S‐AV are probably two of the most widely used slide…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken