Education + Training: Volume 11 Issue 10


Table of contents

The numbers game

Mr Short's recent removal of the secondary/primary class‐size differential has pleased nobody. The National Union of Teachers, who for so long have railed against its existence…

The Consensus

Roger Beard

That education and party politics are totally linked there is no doubt. At any party's annual conference, educational motions figure extensively on the agenda. Indeed, in the…


David Fletcher

Education has become the sacred cow of British politics over the past 25 years. Since the 1944 Education Act was framed, it has won the unstinting support of parents who have come…


Bruce Kemble

We should be grateful to Kingsley Amis. In one sentence this year he crystallized the essential difference between ‘consensus’ politicians and backlashers, between reactionaries…

View one

Edward Boyle

The reputation of the Conservative Party in the education world has altered significantly during recent years. Ten years ago, despite the achievements of Sir David Eccles, there…

View two


Every empire tends to develop a consensus establishment, and the world of education is no exception. This is particularly true in England where education is avowedly a…

The future

Tyrrell Burgess

The party conferences in October, they say, may be the last before the next general election. So this is just the time for offering them a policy each for education. Neither the…

A second look at computers

Peppy Barlow

In June of this year the Computer Board published its first report and the National Council for Educational Technology produced an action paper, Computer based learning: two…


John Duke

‘The application of computers to teaching and learning is a logical development in the evolution of educational technology, although at present the ultimate benefits can be but…


EC Smith

Data processing in college administration implies the recording of information related to any aspect of college administrative and clerical work in machine‐input form, and the…


Alan Kirk, Jules Zell

AK During the past academic year the Computer Board, which is the controlling body for the financing of university computers, has issued its first report, covering the period up…

Correspondence Education

George Wedell

Since Part III of the Education Act 1944 came into force, under which independent schools are required to seek registration by the Department of Education and Science…


Brian MacArthur

Although teachers are understandably dubious about it, an Education Minister has at last announced action against oversize classes. A new government circular has told education…


Gordon Bennett

The National Association of Schoolmasters has won a significant victory in Durham, and the nature of the victory demonstrates just how primitive is the state of relations between…


Roy Nash

It may have been partly the effects of the Indian summer in Cambridge, but not for some time have I seen Headmasters of the Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools in such…


James Render

It is 25 years since the introduction of one of the most radical and far‐reaching reforms of recent times — the 1944 Education Act. And before pointing to the faults of the…

Audio‐visual review

Chris Edmonds

1 There is little doubt that one of the most versatile pieces of visual teaching hardware is the overhead projector — and this perhaps is one reason there are so many brands on…

Publishers 1

Peter Belbin

The concept of publishing as an occupation indulged in by rather eccentric individuals, remote from the classroom, or by bright young men and women seeking to teach old dogs new…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken