Education + Training: Volume 10 Issue 12


Table of contents


Over the past two months no fewer than five books have been published, relating to the social consequences of education. Of these, one particularly is of lasting importance…

Educational Technology Two

The first part of our consideration of educational Technology rightly dealt with programmed instruction. Lessons learnt from our investigation of that topic apply equally to the…

Michael Eraut

In 1964, the University of Sussex set up working parties to consider, respectively, the role of language laboratories, the relevance of programmed learning and the potential uses…

Barry Spikings

Ever noticed the morning‐after‐the‐night‐before effect of a good television documentary? It's a remarkable hangover. On trains, tubes, and buses; in pubs, offices, and homes;…

William Beaton

If a flow‐chart were to be prepared of the development of local education authority television in Britain, as convenient a starting point as any would be circa 1960. It was then…

Tony Becher and Richard Lyne

It is significant that the Brynmor Jones Committee, set up by the UGC in 1963 to consider audio‐visual aids in higher scientific education, recommended in its report two years…

The American Dream

Sixty million people are involved in education in The United States: a figure that represents over 30 per cent of the population and includes a pupil/student body of 57 million…

October 27 Revolution — Student protest

Roy Nash, James Render

Medieval England knew of student disturbances bloodier and more violent than anything that has occurred in Grosvenor Square to date. Yet today's disturbances have a radically…


Bruce Kemble

I left Cambridge in 1962 without having sat‐in, stayed‐out, marched or boycotted. By 1967 the protest jargon of Berkeley, the philosophy of Marcuse, and the revolutionary antics…


Brian MacArthur

A new Education Act is now being actively prepared by the Department of Education and Science and will probably be tabled during the 1969–70 parliamentary session. Preparations…


Gordon Bennett

At the end of the year there is to be an upheaval at the headquarters of the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions. Mr Edward Britton moves downstairs in Hamilton…

Audio‐visual aids

Chris Edmonds

The tremendous growth of the audio visual industry over recent years, coupled with the sheer complexity of the aids now being marketed, has made it imperative for the user to…

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  • Dr Martin McCracken