Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 9 Issue 2
Table of contents
An Evaluation of, and Improvement on, Ayers' Universal Standard Book Number
D. Diane Beale, Michael F. LynchAyers’ recent suggestions for a Universal Standard Book Number, logically generated from a catalogue entry, and therefore applicable restrospectively to bibliographic files, have…
Creation of Bibliographic Search Codes for Hash‐addressing using the Variety‐generator Method
Michael F. LynchThe application of the variety‐generation technique to the construction of truncated author‐title search keys for data bases of monograph records is described. Instead of the…
An Experimental On‐line Retrieval System using Ultrafiche
R.J.D. JohnstonThe command language devised for an experimental on‐line information retrieval system which uses an automatic Ultrafiche terminal to store and display the textual data is…
The Engineering Information Service at Loughborough University: Practical Experience in Providing an SDI Service from COMPENDEX Tapes
Peter M. LinnA brief description of COMPENDEX (COMputerized ENgineering InDEX) is followed by a rationale of the information service run from this data base by the Library at Loughborough…
The Catalogue Conversion Project of the National Library, Cairo: a Progress Report
Abdel Rehim Sabry, A.E. JeffreysThe National Library of the Arab Republic of Egypt is preparing a computer‐based catalogue of its acquisitions from 1870 to 1969. Keypunching has begun with the Arabic holdings…
Whither Cataloguing?—Scotland: Report on a Workshop held at the University of Stirling, 22 & 23 January 1975
Philip J.D. Bramall, Lindsay CorbettThe Workshop, promoted by the Aslib Computer Applications Group and held within the overall framework of SCOLCAP (Scottish Libraries Cooperative Automation Project), gave invited…