Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 8 Issue 4

Table of contents

The Use of Computers in British Libraries and Information Services: an Analysis

Roderick M. Duchesne

The first section of this article is a brief statistical overview of operational computer applications in UK libraries, and of other UK computer‐based information services. In…


Compression of Bibliographic Data Bases Using a Variable to Fixed‐length Bit‐string Coding Transformation

Susan E. Creasey, Michael F. Lynch, J. Howard Petrie

The application of a variable to fixed‐length compression coding technique to two bibliographic data bases (MARC and INSPEC) is described. By appropriate transformation of…


Adapting the KWOC Indexing Technique to Produce Journal Listings

P.J. Elvin

KWOC programs from the ‘COIN’ suit (the COBOL indexing package produced by the National Computing Centre) have been adapted to produce a journal listing and to print selective…


British Library Filing Rules Committee: a Progress Report

C.M. Phillips

The British Library Filing Rules Committee aims to devise a code of filing rules for use by the British Library and to draw up a simplified sub‐set of rules for use by systems…


Library Automation at Sunderland Polytechnic

J.R. Haylock

A computer‐based catalogue system which provides author and Dewey classified listings of monographs is described. Tape typewriter input is used for monthly updating of the master…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited