Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 8 Issue 1
Table of contents
The Automated Loans System at Loughborough University of Technology
Karen Senior, Deborah J. YamanakaThe manual loans system previously in use at Loughborough is described and the reasons behind automation are examined. In looking at the requirements of an automated system a…
MICROCAT—A Very Short Entry Catalogue
B. Francis, C.M. PhillipsSouthampton University Library has been collecting data from the automated circulation system since 1966. All early issue records, together with details from arrivals cards for…
CLOSSS (Check List of Social Science Serials): a Machine‐readable Data Base of Social Science Serials
R.G. Bradshaw, J.M. Brittain, D. Nicholas, M. Ritchie, S.A. RobertsThis paper describes the work carried out so far at the University of Bath and the Polytechnic of North London as part of the DISISS (Design of Information Systems in the Social…