Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 7 Issue 4

Table of contents

Developments with Computer‐based Loans Systems in the United Kingdom

C.W.J. Wilson

The first part of the paper was an account of the activities of the Acquisitions, Cataloguing and Circulation Working Party (ACCWP) of the Aslib CAG. One of the current objectives…


MARC Development

R.E. Coward

The paper began with the announcement that the MARC Project, as set up in 1967, was now formally finished. The final report had been written and submitted to OSTI. The original…


Practical Implications of Computer Use in Information Work

F. Robinson

The paper discussed the practicality of computer use in information work under four general headings—


Computer‐based Information Services in Science—Have they a future?

A.K. Kent

It seems hardly necessary to sell the view that ready access to information is a ‘good’ thing. As members of Aslib we all, in one way or another, depend for our livelihood on the…


The OSTI‐supported Library Automation Projects

C. Mary Overton

The work of the OSTI‐supported library housekeeping automation projects at the British National Bibliography, the University Libraries of Loughborough, Southampton, Oxford…


The Birmingham Libraries' Co‐operative Mechanisation Project: Progress Report, January 1972–June 1973

D.G.R. Buckle, S.W. Massil, A.R. Hall, D.J. Wilkins

The period that this report covers has been one of considerable achievement. The aim of the Birmingham Libraries' Co‐operative Mechanisation Project (BLCMP) has been to design and…


BNB/Brighton Public Libraries Catalogue Project—‘BRIMARC’

R.M. Duchesne, L. Donbroski

This article describes the experimental system whereby BNB has produced the Brighton Public Libraries catalogue in microfilm since September 1972, making use of the BNB/MARC data…


BNB/British Library IBM 360/370 Library Software Package

R.M. Duchesne, R. Butcher

The design is outlined of a package comprising four main sets of programs referred to as ‘modules’; progress to date is noted and Modules 1 and 2 are described in some detail. The…


Brunel University Library Circulation Control System

Christopher B. Beale, Martin Carter

This article concentrates on the distinctive features of a circulation control system designed to achieve simplicity of procedure at the final user/system interface. The system…


Newcastle upon Tyne University Library Stock Record System: Plans and Progress

Anne D. Robins, A.E. Jeffreys

A machine‐readable record containing accession number, location, Dewey class number(s),ISBN, date, and brief author/title is being created for each item of library stock. Methods…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited