Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 6 Issue 3
Table of contents
On‐line Information Retrieval: a Method of Query Formulation using a Video Terminal
J.L. Hall, A.E. Negus, D.J. DancyThis paper discusses some particularly desirable features of the user‐computer dialogue involved in query formulation in an on‐line information retrieval system. The methods used…
The Application of Microform to Manual and Machine‐readable Catalogues
D.G.R. Buckle, Thomas FrenchAt Birmingham University Library it is proposed to implement in October 1972, a complete microfilm catalogue system. This system originated from two sources. Over the past two…
Durham University Library Short Loan Collection: Computerised Record Handling
Robert N. Oddy, Brian CheesmanDurham University Library's first automation venture arose from the decision in 1967 to establish a Short Loan Collection of books and periodicals in heavy demand. The collection…
Costing Manual and Computerised Library Circulation Systems
John Ross, Jane BrooksThe cost per loan for the manual circulation system at the University of Essex Library is calculated for 1970/71 and predicted for 1973/74 and 1976/77. An allowance is made for…
University of Sussex Library Automated Circulation Control System
R.C. Young, P.T. Stone, G.J. ClarkThe current state (January 1972) of the off‐line computer‐based circulation control system is described. The complete system is outlined, but with emphasis on those aspects where…
Revision of the Periodical Records System at AERE Library, Harwell
K.R. Greenhalgh, S.M. BishopAERE Library has in operation a computer‐based periodical records system. This has been revised and extended to produce additional and more flexible output. Details are given of…