Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 50 Issue 2

Table of contents

De-duplicating a large crowd-sourced catalogue of bibliographic records

Ilija Subasic, Nebojsa Gvozdenovic, Kris Jack

The purpose of this paper is to describe a large-scale algorithm for generating a catalogue of scientific publication records (citations) from a crowd-sourced data, demonstrate…


Exploring the relationship between web presence and web usability for universities: A case study from Turkey

Serhat Peker, Seyma Kucukozer-Cavdar, Kursat Cagiltay

The purpose of this paper is to statistically explore the relationship between web usability and web presence of the universities. As a case study, five Turkish universities in…


Adoption of DSpace by Indian libraries

Surendran Cherukodan, Humayoon Kabir S

India occupies second position among the countries that have adopted DSpace open source software for institutional repositories (IRs)/digital libraries (DLs). The purpose of this…


Proposed metrics for data accessibility in the context of linked open data

Mahdi Zahedi Nooghabi, Akram Fathian Dastgerdi

One of the most important categories in linked open data (LOD) quality models is “data accessibility.” The purpose of this paper is to propose some metrics and indicators for…


Selecting new product development team members with knowledge sharing approach: A fuzzy bi-objective optimization model

Peyman Akhavan, S. Mahdi Hosseini, Morteza Abbasi

The purpose of this paper is to provide a method for selection of the new product development (NPD) project team members, in such a way to maximize the expertise level of team…


A hybrid PSO with Naïve Bayes classifier for disengagement detection in online learning

GopalaKrishnan T, P Sengottuvelan

The ultimate objective of the any e-Learning system is to meet the specific need of the online learners and provide them with various features to have efficacious learning…


Using a semantic wiki for technology forecast and technology monitoring

Michael Färber

The purpose of this paper is to present extensions of Semantic MediaWiki for the purpose of technology forecast and technology monitoring. The user friendliness and applicability…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited