Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 44 Issue 1
Table of contents
An evaluation of alert services: quantity versus quality
Fatemeh Zandian, Nosrat Riahinia, Ali Azimi, Nastaran PoursalehiOnline information vendors currently offer a variety of additional services; among these are alert services which present requested information on recent publications to…
ScotlandsPlaces XML: bespoke XML or XML mapping?
Ashley Beamer, Mark GillickThe purpose of this paper is to investigate web services (in the form of parameterised URLs), specifically in the context of the ScotlandsPlaces project. This involves…
Developing a web tool for searching and viewing collections of high‐quality cultural images
Fotis LazarinisSearching for information and viewing visual representations of products in e‐organisations is a common activity of the e‐visitors to these organisations. For example, in…
Digitising the past: The beginning of a new future at the Royal Tropical Institute of The Netherlands
Peter LeviThe purpose of this paper is to describe a project to digitise maps at the Royal Tropical Institute, or Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT), of The Netherlands. KIT has an…
The Bookshelf: digitisation and access to copyright items in Norway
Vigdis Moe SkarsteinThe purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the challenges faced in digitising copyright‐protected books and other materials within the National Library of Norway.
Print and electronic resources: Usage statistics at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library
Kanta KapoorThe purpose of this paper is to quantify the use of electronic journals in comparison with the print collections in the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library.