Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 35 Issue 1

Table of contents

Digital Scotland, the relevance of library research and the Glasgow Digital Library Project

Derek Law, Dennis Nicholson

The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) Project has a significance over and above its primary aim of creating a joint digital library for the citizens of Glasgow. It is also both an…


Organising access to free Internet resources: an overview of selection and management issues in large academic and national libraries with a view to defining a policy at Oxford University

Peter Burnett, Christina Seuring

Internet resources are increasing in number and importance. This paper reports on the practices and policies adopted for organising access to free Internet resources in a number…


Database‐backed library websites: a case study of the use of PHP and MySQL at the University of Nottingham

Mike Gardner, Stephen Pinfield

This paper discusses the advantages of database‐backed websites and describes the model for a library website implemented at the University of Nottingham using open source…


Creating a virtual reference library: experiences at Suffolk Libraries and Heritage

Margaret Davies

This paper describes the creation of the Suffolk Libraries and Heritage virtual reference library in the UK and its links with the Co‐East project. In particular this case study…


A feasibility study for the retrospective conversion of the Dutch Union Catalogue

Henk Voorbij

The union catalogue of monographs published before 1976 is maintained by the Dutch National Library in card form and contains five to six million records from 95 libraries. The…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited