Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 30 Issue 3

Table of contents

Network '95: choosing a third generation automated information system for Suffolk Libraries & Heritage

Guenever Pachent

This paper examines why Suffolk County Council Libraries & Heritage decided in 1993 to move to a third generation automated information system in 1995. It reviews the factors…


Gabriel: Gateway to Europe's National Libraries

Graham Jefcoate

Gabriel is the World Wide Web server for those European national libraries represented in the Conference of European National Librarians (CENL), providing a single point of access…


Library automation: The way forward?

Robin Yeates

Library automation systems in use today reflect a very conservative view of the library as a passive repository, and take little account of the user's needs and of the possibility…


An overview of some Estonian libraries and their computer systems: A visitor's impressions

Lucy A. Tedd

This paper, based on the experience of running a workshop on library automation in Estonia combined with visits to several major libraries, outlines the main problems faced by…


Short communications

Shahar Banun Jaafar

Libraries in Malaysia have a history of co‐operation for interlibrary lending, referral services and so on. The MALMARC project, set up in the late 1970s, enabled co‐operative…


Implementing UNICORN at the UK Department of Health

John Scott Cree

Department of Health (DH) Library and Information Services (LIS) exist to meet the operational and strategic information needs including training, education and material which…


Retro‐conversion exercise in an online thesaurus environment: A post card‐catalogue conversion experience at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan

O.R. Adeniran, A.T. Adigun

Faced with the need to undertake the retrospective conversion of the library catalogue, we searched the literature for advice and experiences which might prove useful for our…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited