Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 29 Issue 2

Table of contents

Retrospective catalogue conversion at Lancaster University Library

Ken Harrison, David Summers

Lancaster University began a programme of retrospective catalogue conversion in 1990, initially using data from BNB on CD‐ROM, and more recently Library of Congress CDMARC…


Comparative analysis of MARC in Korea, Taiwan and Japan

Oh Dong‐Geun

This article describes the development of MARC in Korea, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Japan. An overview of the development of each MARC system, KORMARC, Chinese MARC and…


Surrey Record Office information technology developments: the use of industry standard software

R.D. Simonson

Surrey Record Office locates and acquires records relating to the history of the county of Surrey, preserves them from loss or damage to ensure their survival as part of the…


Development of allegro at Braunschweig Technical University Library

Bernhard Eversberg

Library computing has a history of conflicting demands, the conflicts being perhaps more acute than in many other areas of computer use.


Merging and reformatting records downloaded from various databases using database schemata mappings

P.A. Dearnley

This communication is concerned with the some of the problems encountered when building a specialised collection of bibliographic data from multiple bibliographic databases and…


Experiences with SilverPlatter Electronic Reference Library at Imperial College

Janice Yeadon

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine is a major science and engineering college with approximately 7,320 students and 1,915 academic and research staff which is…


Exploring the potential of new partnerships for document delivery at Cranfield University Library: report of a trial with Delft University of Technology

Simon J. Bevan, John Harrington

An increasing number of organisations are taking advantage of technologies such as fax, E‐mail and image scanning in order to enter the document supply arena. This competition is…


Frederick G. Kilgour participates in 1994 University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies Alumni Day activities

Lucinda May Beddow, S. Michael Malinconico

Frederick G. Kilgour, founder and architect of the On‐line Computerized Library Center (OCLC), and his wife Eleanor were special guests of the University of Alabama School of…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited